
Your daily dose of positive – anywhere, anytime!

Hands-free and screen-free empowering entertainment.

I love to listen to podcasts, especially while cleaning the kitchen and driving. Oddly specific, because I am oddly authentic – quirks and all, package deal. And I’m getting to be pretty okay with that! My hope is for you to learn to practice self-compassion daily and to lean in to who you are sincerely and truly, no holding back, let fear go! Jump, and find those wings.

This podcast is part of me finding my wings. I had no idea that social media would lead me to create this body I mind I soul company to pass on my self-care tips and products to others looking to thrive right where they are in life, right now, as-is. Take a deep breath with me. Let me help you learn to be mindfully present in the moment, while reaching for your future. The past is full of lessons, the future is full of promise and mystery, and the Present is the greatest gift of all. So let’s not rush. And let’s stop carrying the past. I promise you can learn to let it go. I promise.

So, enjoy the podcast on whichever platform you prefer! – Jamie

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